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Interview with Jared Taylor, the editor of American Renaissance

american renaissance
American Renaissance

American Renaissance is a monthly magazine that has been published since 1991. It has been called „a literate, undeceived journal of race, immigration and the decline of civility.“ Many consider it America’s premier publication of racial-realist thought.

Who We Are
American Renaissance and its web page are run by Jared Taylor, Stephen Webster, Ron Neff, and George McDaniel.

What We Believe
Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society — language, religion, class, ideology — it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st centur

The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological. This approach is known as race realism.

jared taylorDelian diver: Can you please introduce us the project of American Renaissance? When did it start and which idea was it led by?

JT: American Renaissance has been publishing since 1989. It’s purpose is to speak for the legitimate interests of whites, primarily in the United States, but around the world. Every other racial and national group does not hesitate to advance its interests–sometimes directly at the expense of whites–but whites are expected to act as if they have no legitimate group interests at all.

Immigrants from Third-World countries are pouring into many white countries and transforming them in ways not to the liking of the original populations. This must stop. Whites need and deserve homelands where they are clearly in the majority and where their culture is the norm.

It is to promote these views and to explore other race-related issues that we founded American Renaissance.

Delian diver: Have there been any other magazines of this kind published in the United States? How can you describe current attitude of public and political circles to such periodics (including AR) in the era of spreading political correctness?

JT: There are very few magazines in the United States devoted to the interests of whites. Most Americans have been taught that for whites to prefer the company of other whites and to take pride in their race and culture is „white supremacy“ or „racism.“ This absurd and dangerous view has taken deep root in the United States, promoted as it is, by universities, churches, politicians, and the media.

People of every other race in the United States consider it normal to work together to increase their numbers and influence. Only whites are expected to „celebrate diversity,“ that is, to celebrate their own declining numbers and influence.

Delian diver: Please, unveil us your plans for the future..

JT: We plan to reach as many people as possible, through our publications, our conferences, and our web site, which is

At this point in history, the most important task for American whites is to stop mass immigration to this country. At current rates of immigration, whites will be reduced to a numerical minority by the year 2040. This would be a catastrophe for our people, and we are using every honorable means to prevent this from happening.

We also welcome ties with whites everywhere in the world who share our concerns about the survival of our race and culture.

Warm regards,

Jared Taylor, Editor, American Renaissance

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Víte, že…

Celine1. července 1961 zemřel ve věku 67 let lékař, spisovatel, fašista a jeden z největších francouzských romanopisců Louis-Ferdinand Céline (vl. jménem Louis Ferdinand Destouches). Céline je považován za jednoho z největších francouzských romanopisců a mistrů jazyka 20. století. Celoživotní ostrý odpůrce establishmentu byl přesvědčený antisemita a rasista, po válce odsouzen za kolaboraboraci s nacismem k propadnutí poloviny majetku a ztrátě občanských poct.  
1. července 1934 byl  ve sklepě velitelství Gestapa zastřelen německý právník a nekorunovaný vůdce konzervativně revolučního hnutí Edgar Julius Jung. Tato pravicová opozice vůči liberalismu udržovala často napjaté vztahy s nakonec vítězným národním socialismem, jak dokládá i Jungův osud: kvůli autorství Papenovy Marburské řeči byl zařazen mezi nepřátele nového režimu a zadržen při Noci dlouhých nožů.
1. července 1950 se v oklahomské Tulse narodil David Duke, americký politik, autor a aktivista a jeden z nejvýraznějších bělošských nacionalistů posledních generací. Počátkem 90. let byl poslancem Louisianské sněmovny reprezentantů a jen velmi těsně neuspěl ve volbách do Senátu a o post guvernéra.  Česky vyšla jeho kniha Moje probuzení.

À propos

„Proti národní myšlence se [usurokrati] nestavějí proto, že je národní, ale protože nesnášejí jakýkoli celek síly dostatečně velký na to, aby se postavil celosvětové tyranidě lichvářů bez vlasti.“

Ezra Pound
